7 Reasons React Native is Going to Be BIG in 2021

When you plan to invest in mobile app development, the very first question is usually the platform and tooling. More exceptional performance, quick development cycle, and faster deployment is something every business owner is expecting. With two platforms being dominant in the current market scenario, mobile app developers need to compromise with either a faster development cycle or better user experience.
So, what’s the way out? Don’t you think there should be an application framework that bridges the gap between both the OS’s?
The good news here’s is that hybrid app frameworks have been evolving to balance the development cycle and user experience. Among those, there are great failures, and there are victors. React Native has become the most prominent name to build complex hybrid apps delivering native user experiences due to its advanced features and ability to dive into native on each platform.
Launched by Facebook in 2015, React Native is one of the most popular frameworks doing rounds of the internet since its existence. Be it Tesla, AirBnB, Instagram, Walmart, Wix, or Bloomberg, there are lots of other brands and high-end applications making extensive use of React Native framework to give a competitive edge over the market.

The below statistics image is clear enough to understand that React Native is not just alive but thriving.

So, what’s the key reason behind the React Native’s continuous success? It lies in its ability to perform seamless, portable, reliable JavaScript. Instead of using the intricate programming languages of each platform, we can get native speed and performance with the most ubiquitous programming language to date! Everyone can maintain JavaScript.
If you want your mobile app to compete with some renowned brands like Walmart, Instagram etc; it is high-time that you invest in a React Native app development. Moreover, a recent Statista report predicts that the global app revenue is expected to reach 189 billion dollars by 2020's end.

The right development tool, in the right time. Let’s review the 7 reasons that React Native will be the go-to tool in 2021.
1. Minimized Development Time & Cost
React Native makes it easy to transfer the code between various mobile platforms. In other words, you can say that an application developed for Android on React Native can be easily compiled for iOS app with a few minor changes. Since the single code base can be used on both platforms, it certainly minimizes the development time. Here at Infinite Red, we generally see 90%+ code reuse between iOS and Android.
Moreover, with minimized development time, the development cost gradually decreases, which proves to be beneficial, especially for budding startups.
2. Simple & Easy Maintenance
As native frameworks grow, the API of each framework grows. I clearly remember the time before React Native, where I had to update my Android apps to use the latest tooling and losing time on my iOS deploy. If your application is built in the native framework it can be quite time-consuming. However, React Native’s flexible approach makes the entire app development maintenance easy, simple yet price effective.
3. Reusable Dynamic Platform Components
Some apps have a branding that is unique to the app and ignores the platform. These are generally hard to do in Native, but are quite simple in React Native

However, since React Native is compiled to native, everything can look and feel as native as you like. You can easily alter the design to fit specifically to each platform. The components you might use for Android or iOS have their equivalents in the React Native framework too, which is why it is possible to ensure a consistent look and feel in the respective platform if that’s your design.

Even popular best-practice libraries will automatically adjust behavior to fit their target platforms. This keeps your development process agile and smooth.
This gives you the choice of respecting design over platform, or platform over the design to fit your target audience.
4. Easier cross-device user experience
Mobile used to just have a few devices to worry about. Now we’re seeing variety among iOS and especially Android devices. React Native uses flexible and fully-optimized layout engines that are highly compatible across all the devices regardless of the screen size. Applications built with React Native adjust with screen resolutions. Apps built with React Native support HD graphics and device sizes.
5. Easy third-party integrations
React Native has a way of synchronizing and integrating itself with native modules via frameworks and so it can easily be integrated with app features and other components such as GPS, camera etc. It happens because of internal device programming and thus eliminating the need for additional integration work for developers.
Most of these features get a JavaScript library that successfully unifies code in JavaScript by keeping the platform specifics well handled in free and open-source libraries.
6. Hot Reloading Feature — Making React Native really HOT
The core of “hot reloading” is a delightful developer experience. Feature after feature allow teams to build their apps quickly and with useful feedback. With the Hot Module Replacement (HMR) feature, developers can make a quick change in the source code while immediately viewing instant results. Any changes in the code are reloaded automatically. This in turns assists React Native app developers to create an app without recompilation, thus boosting the development velocity. It’s like building a website on a native device.
Combine these with advanced debugging tools like Flipper and Reactotron, and you’ve got a thoroughly integrated, hot reloading, advanced debugging experience.
7. Help is Available
When a project is new, it’s hard to find information, help, and tutorials. Fortunately, these get filled in within a few years of a project being live. At Infinite Red, we’ve been doing React Native since the beginning, and we’ve helped countless companies launch their apps.
Choose React Native for Your Project
Having strong community support followed by extensive documentation, React Native is one of the best options to build high-end applications like Uber, Instagram, and so on. Also, if you’re planning to reuse the existing code for either a web or desktop app, React Native app development is one of the best options to go with.
Being widely adopted by developers, React Native is definitely the talk of the town due to its ability to build complex and larger apps in a seamless way. Cost-effective, lightweight yet fast, and useful are some of its traits that make it a go-to framework for developers to build reasonable apps across the globe. Therefore, if you want to reach new heights of success, investing in React Native app development in 2021 and the upcoming years would be the wisest decision to make.
Just try React Native and I’m sure, you’ll love every bit of it.
At Infinite Red, we know what it takes to deliver excellence and that is definitely reflected in our projects delivered to clients globally. Check out some of our projects:

Gant Laborde is a co-owner and Chief Innovation Officer at Infinite Red, published author, adjunct professor, worldwide public speaker, and mad scientist in training. Clap/follow/tweet or visit him at a conference.