Go to Red Shift
Red Shift
The official Infinite Red publication for React Native design & development. We’re a fully distributed team building world-class apps for over 20 years for clients all around the world.
Note from the editor

Technology and design talk, focusing on design, React Native, Elixir, and Ruby on Rails, by the people at Infinite Red (https://infinite.red).

Go to the profile of Todd Werth
Todd Werth
CEO and founder of Infinite Red
Go to the profile of Jamon Holmgren
Jamon Holmgren
Co-founder & CTO @infinite_red. Lutheran, husband, dad to 4, React Native Radio podcast host, Twitch streamer, hockey goalie. Talking shop!
Go to the profile of Justin Huskey
Justin Huskey
I help clients turn their ideas into real startups as Head of Design at Infinite Red.
Go to the profile of Gant Laborde
Gant Laborde
Software Consultant, Adjunct Professor, Published Author, Award Winning Speaker, Mentor, Organizer and Immature Nerd :D — Lately full of React Native Tech
Go to the profile of Derek Greenberg
Go to the profile of Todd Werth
Go to the profile of Dan
Go to the profile of Justin Poliachik
Justin Poliachik
software engineer @infinite_red 📱 curious optimist 🦊 (forever beginner) creator/artist 🎨
Go to the profile of Robin Heinze
Robin Heinze
Engineer doing #reactnative at http://infinite.red, tea drinker, game player, music lover.
Go to the profile of Darin Wilson
Darin Wilson
Web & mobile developer at @Infinite_Red, Ruby enthusiast, jazz pianist. Not always in that order.
Go to the profile of Mark Rickert
Mark Rickert
Extreme sports enthusiast, world traveler, adventurer, and former digital nomad. Principal Software Engineer at Infinite Red.
Go to the profile of Leon Kim
Leon Kim
Software Enginner @ Infinite Red, Roadhouse if you know what I mean.
Go to the profile of Harris Robin
Go to the profile of Jon Major Condon
Go to the profile of Josh Yoes
Josh Yoes
Senior Software Engineer at Infinite Red. I like writing about the Javascript ecosystem, React Native, emerging tools, and how humans and technology intersect.
Go to the profile of Trevor Coleman
Trevor Coleman
Senior Software Engineer at Infinite Red. Co-creator of Muse: the brain sensing headband. Love CI, DX, design tokens and linter rules, but not weird about it.
Go to the profile of Mazen Chami
Mazen Chami
🇱🇧 🇳🇬 👨‍💻 Senior Software Engineer @ Infinite Red 🎙 React Native Radio co-host ⚽️ NCFC Youth Soccer Coach - Former Assistant/GK Coach at LA Strikers FC
Go to the profile of Tyler
Senior Software Engineer at Infinite Red. Maintainer MobX-State-Tree.